Work experience
AccountantUNIMACAUG 2023 - MAY 2024Responsibilities Prepare financial statements such as income statement. Take responsibilities of Accounts Payable\Receivable, cash receipts, accruals, utilities, Revenue and Expenditure. Record Government payments. Record SRV (store receiving voucher) of projects and sites. Follow-up with auditor, junior accounts payable and receivable for the update of daily work. Perform month end activities such as reconciliation and journal entries etc. coordinate with finance team to complete assigned accounting task within deadline. Analyze financial discrepancies. Timely respond to accounting inquiries from management. Provide necessary information and data to other accountants when needed. Assist in auditing activities by providing necessary information and prepare requested documents. Record the financial transactions according to company policies and regulations. Ensure systematic approval of invoices and related supporting documents from HODs and management. Posting of all monthly payments. Preparation of monthly aging of creditors and match with system. Before payment, match the amount with creditor ledger. Preparation of vendor payment and arrange transfer. Make prepaid medical and rent schedule and expense out on monthly basis. Opening new fixed asset and create JV of fixed asset.
Assistant AccountantCrown Rose HospitalityJUNE 2021 - JULY 2023Responsibilities: Helping in the closing of monthly accounts, preparation of financial reports under company Policies & Procedures, ensure reporting deadlines are met. Reconcile all balance sheet Ledgers, including Bank, Assets, and liability accounts to represent the reliable and faithful financial position of the company. An adequate review of vendor's Invoices, Expense Reports, petty cash, Payment Vouchers, and Cashier Reports showing bank in transactions to ensure that they are duly authorized and free from misstatements and in compliance with company policy. Prepare monthly payroll and ensure timely disbursement of salaries through the WPS system and cash salaries as well as prepare payroll & related JV, accrual JVs (Indemnity, Vacations, tickets, GOSI, work permits), and accrual schedules and posting in the system. Helping FC in the implementation of internal controls (financial and otherwise). Coordinating with the finance team in day-to-day activities. Coordinate with Internal and External Auditors in completing Audits and providing required data. Maintain manual and computerized filing system and ensure that the files are properly named, cataloged and access is available for authorized persons only. Original contracts and important documents are filed in a fireproof safe/cabinet.
Accounts PayableMultan FeedsAPRIL 2020 - MAY 2021Responsibilities: Reviewing and verifying invoices after receiving them from the receiving/store department, checking LPOs with invoices, and ensuring invoices are duly signed and stamped by the receiving clerk and POs are approved by all authorities. Posting AP invoices to the AP module through the "Invoice Entry option" ensures the expenses go to the right account codes and posting direct invoices (Contract & non-PO Invoices) to the system. Resolve discrepancies in vendor's invoices by preparing vendor's reconciliations by matching vendor's statement of account with our statement of account. Processing payments based on creditors' aging and terms of payments as defined in the credit agreement and by keeping in mind the cash flow position. Posting cash/cheques deposited in the bank by the General Cashier, posting of petty cash vouchers in the system, and preparing petty cash reimbursements. Bank reconciliation of payment accounts every month.
Storekeeper\Receiving ClerkSabir's Poultry FarmJAN 2019 - MARCH 2020Responsibilities: Receiving goods from vendors by matching quantity mentioned on the delivery note, LPO, and invoices; reviewing expiry dates on each item received. Posting of invoices and handing over invoices to the finance department after posting. Keep receiving and issuance records in the system with full approved back up. Keep items in the same category, checking chilled and frozen items' chiller's temperature, proper racking, and arranging of items in store. Place orders by following the minimum and maximum stock levels in the system and issuance by following the inventory method defined in SOPs. Issuance of items based on approved issue requests and charging them to relevant departments and outlets. Keep the stores neat and clean to ensure adherence to safety and standards. Take month-end inventories in the presence of the Cost controller and enter inventory in the system to match physical stocks with the system.
MBA-FinanceIBF, BZU Multan2016-2019Advanced Researched Methodology, Strategic Management, Strategic Finance, Strategic Marketing, Corporate Governance, data Analysis Techniques, Investment & Portfolio Management, Seminar in Finance, Financial Markets, Corporate Finance
BBA-Hons AccountingBZU Multan2012-2016Fundamental of Accounting, Business Mathematics, Business Finance, Principle of Management, Managerial Economics, Analysis of Financial Statements, Corporate Finance, Financial Accounting, Business Statistics, Business Communication, Principle of Marketing, Financial Management, Artistic Design and Computer Graphics, Foreign Language, Moey and Banking, Business and Corporate Law, Financial Institutions, Business Policy and Strategy.
Accounts Payable100%
Accounts Receivable100%
Petty Cash Handling100%
Analytical Thinking100%
Community Enagagement100%
Coordination Ablities100%
Creative Writing70%
Influential Communicator100%
Interpersonal Leadership100%
Leading Diverse Team100%
Learn New Program100%
Oral Written & Communication80%
Organizational Effectiveness80%
Multi Tasking100%
Oracle ERP100%
Windows Dynamic80%
MS Excel80%